MESA (Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement)

2710 Crimson Way
Richland, WA 99354
United States

MESA (Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement)

Washington MESA provides enrichment and access opportunities to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) programs for grades 6 –12 and college students across the state with the goal of increasing representation of historically underrepresented students of color and women in STEM fields.

Our Support

MESA Prosthetic Arm Competition Sponsor

Bechtel donated $45,000 over three years to sponsor MESA Day at Washington State University - Tri-Cities. The donation allowed about 60 teams of students from the Pasco, Granger and Sunnyside school districts to compete in challenges centered on the development and operation of prosthetic arms in 2013, 2014, and 2015. 

MESA Day, 2015
MESA Day, 2015

MESA Day, 2014
MESA Day, 2014

MESA Day, 2013
MESA Day, 2013

MESA Prosthetic Arm Competition Volunteers

Bechtel both sponsored and provided volunteer judges for the MESA Day. Bechtel engineers also served as the keynote speakers for the event. 

MESA Day, 2013
MESA Day, 2013

Contributing to arts and culture to enable our collective understanding of the past and to envision a shared, more equitable future.

6 listings

Fostering education and learning, particularly related to science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).

25 listings

Creating opportunities and security for those who live, work and play in our region.

55 listings

Protecting the environment while ensuring our communities are healthy, safe and thriving.

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Questions? Contact Us!


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